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Herbicide Resistance in Blackgrass, Was It There All Along?

2023-12-29T21:48:38+00:00December 29, 2023|3D Genomics, Epigenetics, Hi-C, HiChIP, Micro-C, Omni-C, Uncategorized|

Herbicide Resistance in Blackgrass, Was It There All Along? In the realm of agriculture, the ongoing battle against herbicide-resistant weeds presents a persistent challenge. The emergence of spontaneous mutants with herbicide resistance in weed populations poses a grave threat to crop yields and food [...]

Genomic Research in Service of Conservation: The Cases of Whitebark Pine and Clark’s Nutcracker

2023-12-29T21:52:16+00:00December 5, 2023|3D Genomics, Epigenetics, Hi-C, HiChIP, Micro-C, Omni-C, Uncategorized|

Genomic Research in Service of Conservation: The Cases of Whitebark Pine and Clark's Nutcracker The Interdependent Lives of Whitebark Pine and Clark's Nutcracker The mutual relationship between the whitebark pine and Clark's Nutcracker, as detailed by the National Park Service, provides a compelling context for [...]

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